It's time to give away some free stuff over at Bloggy Giveaways! And while this stuff may look like a random, mis-matched assortment of stuff, I can assure you that careful thought and planning went into my decision on what to give away.
Ok, that last part was a lie! It really IS a random, mis-matched assortment of stuff, but stuff that represents and tells a little about me!
PRIZE #1: Vera Bradley coin purse

This was from the Vera Bradley Outlet sale that came through Atlanta last year. I went with my mom and sister and we basically raided the place! I'm not even a die hard VB fan, but you just COULDN'T pass it up when all of the merchandise was at least 75% off!!
PRIZE #2: $10 Target gift card

'Nuff said!! Target is truly one of my favorite stores! It's actually kind of a sickness for me because a "quick, little" trip turns into a shopping frenzy!
PRIZE #3: Clippies

There are 2 reasons for this prize. The first is that I'm expecting my second niece in just a few short weeks, so I'm gearing up for all things girly! Second, is that I love to do crafts, so I must say that I was pretty impressed with myself with the way these turned out!
PRIZE #4: Post its & notepad

Being a teacher, I love all things school supplies. And these little post its and notepad are the cutest way to remind you to pick up that milk on the way home :)
I will choose 4 winners! That's right, your odds just got better :) I will choose 1 winner for each prize. All you have to do is leave me a comment about which one you'd like to win. Please make sure to leave an email address too!! Drawing will be held Friday night, Aug. 1 at 9:00 and winners will be posted Saturday morning. Please, US residents only :(