Monday, January 03, 2011

Looking Ahead

The first Monday of the new year should bring some profound new insight...

...but not so.

It should bring a list of goals or resolutions...

...not so much.

I am working on some goals I have for myself and my blog but one reason I don't have those up and ready to go today is because of my biggest flaw...


The bane of my existence.  Truly.  I am one of the best procrastinators I know.  Oh, I'll always get it done or pull it together, but it's the lack of thought or the ideas I had to dismiss because of the procrastination.

When I came across Amy's post on her word for the year, it hit me square between the eyes.


That's what I want!  I want everything I do to be intentional and not thrown together at the last minute, because before I know it, it'll be December again and I'll have a list of things that didn't get done.

1 comment:

HopefulLeigh said...

Good choice, Staci! I hope that it will revolutionize your year:)

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