Let's get right to it!
What teachers really want to tell parents
Could not agree more!
Tailg8 party
What a cute idea for birthday party if you're turning 8 years old!
This Is How We Met
A cute, new series starting February 1 where couples share their story of how they met. And if YOU want to be a part, check it out here.
Valentines Day Mantle
I love decorating and this is just classy and cute!
Come join us and link up below.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Saturday Stumbles
Posted by
9:55 AM
Friday, January 20, 2012
Saturday Stumbles
We finally made it to the weekend! It's supposed to be a rainy one here but I'll take a rainy weekend over no weekend any day!!
18 Things I Did in Childhood My Kids Won't Experience
A fun list that'll really take you back!
Nerdy Baby
Science art and gifts for your baby or nerdy friends! Such cute stuff! The science teacher in me loves this!
Why The Grass Can Be Greener for Singles
A beautiful post from my friend Leigh addressing singleness.
Denim pocket organizer
I'd love to see what you found stumble worthy this week! Check out the guidelines then link up below:
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10:00 PM
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Saturday Stumbles
Sorry I was a little late getting Saturday Stumbles up this weekend. I was up till midnight last night finishing up a cake for a friend's little girl's first birthday! Cute, right? A winter wonderland themed party!
Taming your doll's hair
For all you moms out there that battle the tangled mess of doll hair, this post is the answer to your question. Get your doll's hair in the same condition as it was before you took it out of the box!
Philly Cheesesteak Sloppy Joe
I made this last week and absolutely loved it!
Ways to build friendships
A great read on some practical ways to build new friendships or strengthen the ones you already have.
10 Things You Should Never Tell Your Kids
We probably all grew up hearing those phrases like "because I said so". This article makes you think about the words you speak to your kids. While I don't necessarily agree with every part of it, it just makes you think before you randomly say something.
50 Things to Write About When You Have Writer's Block
Love this list! Just what I need to get me out of my rut!
Now it's your turn! Link up below with what you stumbled this week!
Posted by
10:03 AM
Saturday, January 07, 2012
Saturday Stumbles
Welcome to 2012! Thank you so much for your support over the past year. I appreciate you faithful stumblers :)
Content Theft on Pinterest
A very interesting article on the proper way to "pin" on Pinterest
5 Day Mini Menu
If you're into freezer cooking, then hopefully you've met Once a Month Mom! She is the freezer cooking guru. Now she's come up with a mini version of her once a month cooking. Perfect for a single gal, like me :)
10 Specific Comments to Give Your Children
Something every parent should read.
Your turn to link up to the first Saturday Stumbles of 2012! Link up below!
Posted by
12:04 AM