Saturday, April 28, 2012
Saturday Stumbles
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7:29 AM
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Alternative Easter Egg Hunt: Painting
If you've been around Simply Staci long enough, you know that I like to spice up the traditional Easter egg hunts. There's been leggos, puzzles, and crafts.
Each year, it gets a little more difficult to think of something new, but this year we did paintings!
In each egg, I put stickers of each letter of the kids' names. Then I put various stickers of hobbies they were into.
Each kid was then given an 8 1/2 " by 11" canvas where they placed all their stickers.
After the canvas was painted, they removed the stickers to reveal their masterpiece!
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7:32 PM
Friday, April 20, 2012
Saturday Stumbles
This has been a whirlwind week for me which sadly has resulted in no stumbles. I was invited to a Nordstrom Rack tweet up where we were pampered and then shopped till we dropped. Then it was a co-worker's wedding shower. Next was the Dove Awards!! My best friend Amanda I and got tickets. Great tickets! We were like 5th row from the stage. (It will be televised Tuesday, April 26 on Gospel Music Channel. Look for us!) Then Friday night was babysitting the niece and nephew where we created an art gallery, popped popcorn, and watched Toy Story 3.
So what did you stumble? I'd love to read what you found! Link up below!
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11:09 PM
Friday, April 13, 2012
Saturday Stumbles
Happy weekend fellow stumblers! Hope you had a good week and an even better weekend planned! We started state testing this week and it is just awful! It is 5 days of absolute torture. I just sit there staring at 26 kids for 2 hours. No reading, writing, napping, facebooking, pinning...NOTHING!
So bring on the weekend!!
Gospel ABC Scrapbook
What Can You Make From a Plastic Lid?
Who knew there were so many possibilities from a stinkin' plastic lid??
Neighbor Christmas gift
Ok, don't write this off because it's Christmas. This could easily be adapted for a hostess gift or really for any holiday. So simple and cheap...and practical!
Link up below what you stumbled this week!
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10:56 PM
Friday, April 06, 2012
Saturday Stumbles
Happy Easter weekend!
"Oh praise the One who paid my debt!"
That's the true miracle of the Resurrection...that He took our place! Thank you Jesus!
Now, if Jesus was walking around in human form today, I have no doubt He'd eat at this place...(nice segue, huh??)
The 10 Commandments of Chic-Fil-A
Jon Acuff is a self proclaimed Chic-Fil-A expert and he is sharing the 10 Commandments of Chic-Fil-A. Funny!
Does Your Blog Have Clear Direction?
My answer to that question is...nope. I hate that, but it's the truth. You've probably noticed that I'm only posting Saturday Stumble posts. I'd rather not that be the case. Thank you to the few faithful SS linkers that consistently link up each week...even though I have no clear direction. I definitely need to think and chew on this post.
10 Things to do While Sitting in a Restaurant
I love this because it gives great ideas instead of plopping the iphone in front of them.
Praying in Color
What a neat concept to help children learn a different way to talk to God.
Alright friends, time to link up what you stumbled this week:
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11:00 PM