Saturday, August 08, 2009

July's NEW

I'm continuing on my journey to fulfill my new year's resolution of trying/doing something new each month...even if this is a week or so late. Woops!

This month, I did a few new things. The first thing I did was actually something I DIDN'T do. Confused yet? Ha! I did not use a credit card once this month! That is huge for me!! Because of the budget I've put myself on, I am no longer using my credit card. It has been a very eye opening month because of that. I didn't realize how much I had actually used it, but what makes me even more sick is how much of my paycheck goes to paying down stupid credit cards!! [UPDATE: Unfortunately, this is not true for August. Starting back to school really adds up!]

Another new thing I did was try a new cake store: CakeArt Party Store. I first heard of this store from Bakerella. The store is amazing! So, Mandi, mom and I made a day of it. With both of her kids' birthdays coming up in the same month, I'm in cake mode...and this store was pure heaven!

And the last new thing was from the mission trip that I went on earlier in the month. One of the things we did was take a prayer walk around an asian market. While we were there, we went into the asian supermarket to look around. Let's just say there were some interesting things there! So, I decided to buy a few things to try for my new year's resolution!

I went with some pretty tame items. The first one is a mandarin orange drink:

I love mandarin oranges, so why wouldn't I like a drink that tastes like them? Not good! Yuk!
Then there were these:

(SO good, by the way)

And then finally, there was this drink:

A lot of the other kids on the trip bought one and drank it right away. I wanted to save mine so I could get the proper pictures to write a blog post about it. Well, I kind of forgot about it until now. The problem is I couldn't work it! Yes, there was actually a technique to drink this! It's a carbonated drink, but the carbonation is in a little ball in the lid. I don't know if I waited too long or what, but I just couldn't get it open. I tried, and tried, but it wasn't coming. So, I never actually got to try it :( I ended up throwing it away!


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