Friday, April 29, 2011
Saturday Stumbles
I hope you're hungry today because all of my stumbles are recipes!
Did you find stumble anything other than food?! I hope it's some exercise tips for my sake!! Just check out the guidelines then link away!!!
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9:00 PM
Labels: recipes, Saturday Stumbles
Friday, April 22, 2011
Saturday Stumbles
Alternative Easter Egg hunts
A few years ago I became the resident Easter egg hunt planner for my nieces and nephews. Knowing that they would get tons of candy, I wanted to do something where candy wasn't involved but just as fun!
Itty Bitty Cinnamon Roll bites
Oh the lovely deliciousness of these cuties are too much!
Framed Necklace Organizer
A very vintagey cute way to organize my mess of necklaces.
So, it's a short list today, but what have you stumbled? Check out the guidelines, then link up below:
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10:00 PM
Labels: cinnamon rolls, creative easter egg hunts, jewelry organizer, Saturday Stumbles
Friday, April 15, 2011
Saturday Stumbles
And now I get to share with you all the fun stuff I stumbled this week...and read what you stumbled!
Showcasing kids' artwork
Much cuter alternatives to the ole fridge!
Creative wedding guests books
Amanda has come up with a list of some of the most clever things I've seen! These are so fun and a great way to commemorate your special day. If you know someone planning a wedding, you've GOT to show them this post.
Pillows out of placemats
Ok, this has got to be the easiest craft I've seen that looks the most expensive. Can you believe how expensive pillows are? I mean, really, I just can't bring myself to buy them because they're ridiculously expensive. But these look like ANYTHING I might buy in Target or Crate & Barrell...but so much cheaper!
Magnetic quilting
Ok, this one is interesting and one that I can see in my near future with my niece and nephew.
...and my token food stumble
Mock Frozen Yogurt
This looks delicious to me. My only question is where do you find Grade B maple syrup. Anyone know?
Now I want to read what you've stumbled! Read the guidelines then link up below! Have a great weekend!
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10:00 PM
Labels: frozen yogurt, guest books, hanging kids' artwork, Saturday Stumbles
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Ultimate Blog Party WINNER!

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10:20 PM
Friday, April 08, 2011
Saturday Stumbles
The end of another week. I've been on spring break this week and it's been great not being on a schedule (in other words...being a bum!). The weather has finally warmed up and spring is here!
So my stumbles this week are celebrating spring in some way:
Spring cleaning
Real Simple is great at repurposing items and these are all storage items.
Spring Mason Jar
A lovely addition to any mantle.
A mossy vignette
I just love everything about this and the little bird's nest and eggs will be making an appearance on my mantle!
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10:00 PM
Labels: organization, Saturday Stumbles, spring crafts
Monday, April 04, 2011
Top Ten Tuesday
A few tried and true things I've used to occupy my niece and nephew.
1. Create their own drawing book
Get an ordinary spiral notebook and some foam stickers (can get at any craft store) to decorate the front cover.
2. Nature scavenger hunt
Write about 10 or so nature items (pinecones, rock, flower, clover, leaf, etc) on a piece of paper. I made a chart on Microsoft words and used pictures. We walked around the yard and crossed off the items we found. It was a hit!
3. Measure things
I pulled out a tape measure and showed my nephew (5 years old) how to use it making sure to line up the 0 with the end of the item, then we looked at what number it went to. He loved measuring all kinds of things.
4. Hide the Heart
On Valentines Day, I made these heart shaped bean bags with them. Then they hid them and I tried to find them and vice versa. This was a HUGE hit!
5. Bath
When all else fails, they love taking baths. A good way to burn about 20 minutes!
6. Photo session
Just taking pictures (maybe even having them dress up) is always a hit. I also use this at restaurants waiting on our food arrive. Or once I used it waiting outside a store for his mom to get finished.
7. Ball & slide
This is so simple but I was surprised at how much they loved it. We took an ordinary ball. Kind of like a mid size ball...bigger than a tennis ball, but not as big as a kickball (does that make any sense?!) Anyways, the goal was to roll it UP the slide and try to get it to stay at the top. The slide was similar to this one, so it wasn't as hard at it sounds.
8. Baking cookies
I mean this one goes without saying. I just use the break and bake kind and let the kids put them on the baking sheet. They think they're "cooking"! Shhhh....don't tell them otherwise!
I haven't tried these two yet, but they are on the agenda for tomorrow while momma has a hair appointment!
9. Photo puzzle
I'm excited to do this with them!
10. Coke floats
A good ole fashioned coke with ice cream. I hope they like them!
For more Top Ten Tuesday, check out Oh Amanda
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8:53 PM
Labels: kids activities, top ten tuesday
Friday, April 01, 2011
Saturday Stumbles
It's that time of the week again, my Stumblers! What nuggets of goodness did you stumble this week? I have to be honest. I haven't done much. I'm swamped with life right now. One of my problems is that I'm a procrastinator, so when I have a major unit project due in a class I'm taking, hostess responsibilities for my cousin's wedding shower and an ever approaching deadline for some curriculum I'm writing, it makes for a pretty hectic week!
Teaching innovation and entrepreneurship
This is not something you would see everyday here on Simply Staci, but I was fascinated! The article is about teaching kids how to creatively solve problems, but what was captivating to me was the video almost toward the bottom. It's long. LONG. About 50 minutes, but I sat and watched the whole thing! It's amazing the creativity some people have.
Game Winning Homerun Turns Tragic
Another video, but this one will revive your hope in the human spirit. Especially about teenagers. This one brought me to tears. And it's only 5 minutes! Be prepared to be inspired!
Camping-Inspired birthday
I seem to be on a birthday kick, but this one was too precious to pass up!
So now it's your turn to link up below what you found stumble worthy this week. Check out the guidelines and link away!
Psst! Want to win $100 giftcard Target giftcard?! Check out my Ultimate Blog Party post and contest!
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9:54 PM
Labels: camping birthday party, creativity, inspiring, Saturday Stumbles