Friday, May 28, 2010
Saturday Stumbles
Here's what I stumbled upon this week. Most of them have to do with food...go figure!
Strawberry Vanilla Flavored Water
Holy Huevos Rancheros - A yummy looking recipe from Scribbit!
Taco Pasta Toss
And because you want these yummy foods to look good as you serve them, try these stylish disposable dinnerware from Branch.
For more Saturday Stumbles, go to It's Come To This.
Posted by
11:16 PM
Labels: disposable dinnerware, flavored water, Holy Huevos Rancheros, Saturday Stumbles, Taco Pasta Toss
Friday, May 21, 2010
Saturday Stumbles
Here are the good things I stumbled recently:
Don't you hate it when you find the cutest cupcake liners only to find the cuteness you bought them for disappears when you cook them? Then you'll love these!
Just like it implies. You go to the website to build your own cereal! Crazy!
What a cute, fun way to celebrate a birthday!
Go to Its Come to This for more great links.
Posted by
9:33 PM
Labels: birthday decorations, cereal, cupcake liners, quesadillas, Saturday Stumbles
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Friday Favorites - Beater Blade
I bake...a lot! One of the things I hate is when making icing, it gets stuck to the sides of the bowl. When I saw this bad boy, I knew I had to have it!
You can also get it in pink! How fun is that? You can order them at my friend Tricia's site: Once a Month Mom
For more Friday Favorites, go visit Hillary at The Other Mama.
Posted by
10:43 PM
Labels: beater blade, Friday Favorites
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Things I'm Thinking About This Moment
It's 9:06 on Wednesday night. I want to update my blog, but nothing's coming.
My mind is flowing with random thoughts. Most of them are impending to-do lists that I have pushed back and back and they're all about to come to a head.
Here's a few things that are on my mind:
- Fantasia is on American Idol. I don't like her. Don't like her pants, her voice...none of it.
- Want to try and get to The Container Store this weekend to get some stuff to organize my pantry.
- Need to catch up on some reviews. Need to write a disclosure policy. Any advice?
- 7 more days of school!
- Wondering why my date last Friday didn't get back with me. Thought we had a good time.
- Have printed off i Dream of Clean's Spring Cleaning plan...need to DO IT!
- Dad informed me I should get my tires rotated. Need to make that appointment.
Come back for more!
Posted by
9:28 PM
Friday, May 07, 2010
New site!
I'm going big time! my mind anyways.
If you haven't seen the sticky post at the top, I'm now at
Posted by
10:23 PM
Monday, May 03, 2010
Top Ten Tuesday - Garage Sale Tips
This weekend, I helped my sister with her neighborhood garage sale. There's 2 main reasons I love garage sales:
- I get rid of junk
- and that junk adds up to money!
This was not my first garage sale. I've been doing them for a long time and the only way I know how to do them is ORGANIZED! So here's some of my best tips:
1. Signage is important. Bright colors, big letters, clear message.
2. Tags are important!! I, personally, hate those pre made already priced stickers. They stick to the item and don't come off of the product easily. All the garage sales I've been involved in have been with other people so we needed to differentiate between our stuff. I've heard of all different methods such as keeping track during the sale and as people check out just write down on a chart of some sort who's stuff sold. The best method I've found is the numbered tag system. What you do is cut up a bunch of index cards into about 1" x 3" tags. Each person contributing to the sale is assigned a number. That number goes at the top of all your tags. In the middle of the tag goes a brief description of the item. This is important for several reasons. If the tag gets separated from the product you could easily find it and re-attach it. The other reason is some products are difficult to tell what they are and some customers may not want to bother asking you what it is, but if your tag tells them what it is, you probably just sold the product! When the customer is ready to check out, just remove all the tags and dump them into a bag. At the end of the sale or during some down time, separate the tags according to the numbers at the top. Easy peasy!
3. Be truthful on your tags. If it doesn't work, say so! Doesn't mean you can't sell it, someone could be able to fix it or use it for parts. Just mark it down really cheap. Also, list if it's missing any parts.
4. If you're making tags for clothing items, put the size on the tag.
5. Group like items together. This makes for easy shopping for the customer. Some basic categories are: kitchen, holiday, electronics, books/music/videos, baby, toys, etc.
6. Put your bigger items out front. This is what draws people in.
7. During down times, tidy up your tables. Consolidate as you go. This makes your tables look not-so-bare and more full. Also makes you look like you have more than you actually do. What we did, was toward the last few hours, we actually moved all the tables up closer to the road. What this did was take all our stuff that was spread out over a larger area (the turnaround in the driveway) and concentrated it into a smaller area which made it seem more full.
8. Typically garage sales last 2 days. Consider making the second day "Half Off" day. Meaning all items would be half off the price tag. If not the whole day, you could do "Half off after 12:00". Whatever works for you. The second day of our garage sale was calling for rain. It was cloudy and actually misting in the morning. We knew that would detain some people so we put a sign up in the yard that said "EVERYTHING HALF OFF". It worked! We had a stream of people pretty much all day...despite the weather.
9. Have spare bags (shopping bags, grocery bags, etc) and boxes available for those customers who buy lots. Having something to put their loot in makes it easier for them buy more stuff!
Top Ten Tuesday is being hosted this week by Its Come To This.
Posted by
9:16 PM
Labels: garage sale tips, top ten tuesday