Thursday, December 30, 2010
2010 Bloggy Recap
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11:49 PM
Labels: blog recap
Monday, December 27, 2010
Top Ten Tuesday - My favorite posts
For this last Top Ten Tuesday of 2010, I wanted to share with you my favorite posts of the year. (AKA - the lazy blogger's answer to a new TTT post :)
1. Rhythm. Not Balance
Always a great reminder that instead of trying to balance everything in our life, we need to get in the right rhythm.
2. Gander's Generosity
When horrors were happening in the USA on September 11, a wealth of generosity was happening in Gander, Canada. This will revive your hope in humanity.
3. Teacher Gifts
Bookmark this post! As a teacher of almost 10 years, these are tried and true!
4. Alternative Easter Egg Hunts
Another one you'll want to bookmark for Easter in a few months. Use my ideas (and leave me some ideas in the comments!) to spice up your traditional egg hunts.
5. Jesus is on His way
Great reminder that whatever you may be waiting on, Jesus hasn't forgotten about you.
6. Garage Sale Tips
I can't even think about garage sales yet as we have snow in Atlanta! But this is another one you may want to bookmark for when the weather warms up and you're wanting to get rid of some "treasures".
7. Dating Diaries
One of my many tales from the dating world.
8. Fractured Fairy Tales
If you're life hasn't been the fairy tale you've hoped it would be, I hope this offers you some encouragement.
9. Mail
This was one of my favorite ideas, but it flopped. I'd still be happy to do it if anyone's interested. Who doesn't love getting mail?!
10. Saving for Christmas
Please, do this starting now! It will save you so much headache and worry when it comes around to Christmas next year. This has been one of the smartest things I've ever done!
For more Top Ten Tuesdays, visit Oh Amanda.
Posted by
11:14 PM
Labels: favorite posts, top ten tuesday
Saturday, December 25, 2010
THE gift
This version, though, had an extra tile that didn't have a match. It was Jesus. The point was that Jesus is the "unmatched gift". There is nothing like Him and Christmas is all about Him.
I know I will more than likely get caught up in all of the gifts today, but I pray that in that moment I'll be reminded that Jesus is THE gift, the unmatched gift this Christmas. There is nothing, no one like Him. He and He alone is the only reason to celebrate not just in today, but every day.
Posted by
6:00 AM
Thursday, December 23, 2010
What It's All About
I can't decide which is better about being a teacher this time of year...
Posted by
10:28 AM
Labels: teacher
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Saturday Stumbles
The majority of what I stumbled this week is food.
Go figure.
But these are all Christmas sweets! Prepare to salivate:
Red Velvet Cheesecake from Beantown Baker
Brown family prepare yourself, because this one WILL be making an appearance at Christmas dinner this year!
Peppermint Sugar from Pip & Ebby
What a super clever idea! If you like peppermint flavoring, then this is for you!
Homemade marshmallows from Denver Bargains
As an avid hot chocolate drinker, this has always been on my to-do list but hasn't quite made it over to the "done" list.
Simple Christmas Treats from Polwig
What a cheap, easy Christmas gift! Put them on a cute plate and you've got a simple Christmas gift.
This post is linked to Saturday Stumbles at It's Come to This.
Posted by
12:07 AM
Labels: christmas recipes, peppermint, Saturday Stumbles
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Ice Day
It's 10:40 a.m. on a Thursday...and I'm at home.
Not because I'm sick.
Not because I have something else to do.
But because we have ICE, BABY!
So, on any given day at this time, I would be in 4th period teaching earth science to my 6th graders. I would also be telling A to get back to his seat, R to stop talking, and trying my hardest to not lose my patience with K. I would also be getting ready to go to lunch...yep, I eat lunch at 10:50 a.m.
I hear my stomach calling!!
Posted by
10:53 AM
Monday, December 13, 2010
Christmas Tour
Welcome to my home!
I absolutely love decorating, but decorating for Christmas is a whole 'nother level! Here are my some of my favorite decorating touches:
1. My tree
Fake and pre-lit all the way...and I don't even feel guilty about it! I love my tree! This year, I went with red and silver.
2. Tea light holder
This normally holds tea lights, so I took them out and hung some plain Christmas ornaments. It's just a cute little touch.
3. Vintage Christmas cards
Growing up, my mom threw away everything. My dad used to joke that if it wasn't nailed down, it wouldn't stay around long. But for some reason, she has saved every single Christmas, Easter, Birthday, Halloween, etc. cards. I guess that comes with being the first born and all. In looking back through these cards, it's clear that they just "don't make 'em like that anymore" and I wanted to display them in some way. So here's what I came up with.
4. Wreath
I got several of these plain little wreaths at Target after Christmas last year. All I did was put the red ribbon around it and tacked it behind the mirror. Simple but cute.
5. Christmas Card Scrapbook
One of my favorite things about Christmas is all the Christmas cards! I hated, though, that they just sit in a box year after year, so I've decided to make a page for each year that holds that year's cards. All I did was attach a rectangular piece at the bottom to be a pocket. It's fun to look back and see how all my friends (and their kids!) have changed.
6. Willow Tree Nativity
I have wanted this set for as long as I can remember...and now I have it! It's taken me several years and waiting on coupons, getting them as gifts from mom and dad, getting them from complete strangers (!) to collect the set, but I just love it! It's one of the things I look forward to most when I put up my decorations.
7. My Christmas Duvet cover
Yep, I even decorate my bedroom! I couldn't resist this duvet cover from Crate & Barrell that I got a couple years ago after Christmas. It was such a good deal, I couldn't pass it up. I just love the way it looks against my green walls, too! (I realize I could've [should've] made up my bed, but wanted to be real with normally looks like this!)
8. My bedroom tree
Oh yeah...there's a tree in my room! Another after Christmas find from Jo-Ann's.
9. Kitchen table
Glass vases are so versatile and deserve a post all their own. I have filled my with pillow stuffing (don't know what the technical name is!) and put a few ornaments on top.
This post is linked to Oh Amanda's Top Ten Tuesday & Kelly's Korner Christmas Tour of Homes.
Posted by
9:37 PM
Labels: Christmas decorations, top ten tuesday
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Top Ten Tuesday - Black Friday Tips
It gets bigger and bigger every year! While I COULD be referring to my rear end, I'm talking about Black Friday!
Yes, I am one of those nuts that shop all night after Thanksgiving dinner. My first year was quite an induction into midnight shopping. Last year, I went with my friend Becky and we hit up the outlet malls, Kohls, Target, Walmart...and I can't think of where all else we went! They kind of all ran together.
In all honesty, it's not really about the incredible deals, although there definitely are some, it's more about the experience and spending time with friends.
So I am looking forward to it again this year too, but today I want to share with you my top ten tips for a successful Black Friday experience:
thank yourself. Pre planning will ensure that you'll want to do it again next year!!
...and one extra tip...
What are your Black Friday tips?? I'd love to hear what works (or doesn't work!) for you!
For more Top Ten Tuesdays, go visit Oh Amanda!
Posted by
6:55 PM
Labels: black friday, christmas shopping, midnight shopping, top ten tuesday
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Ugh, blah, arghh...
...that's what I feel like when it comes to this here ole blog.
Today's date is November 16 (well, it was when I wrote this). The date of the post just below this one is November 1.
That's what "ughs" me!!
Even writing this "I-don't-have-anything-to-blog-about-post" is blah!
I'm pathetic..I know.
This is where a boyfriend, a husband, some kids, or a stellar hobby would come in handy with some material.
So I will draw this captivating post to a close. I really just wanted to update my blog...for better or worse!
(and I think this definitely borders on WORSE)
Posted by
9:44 PM
Monday, November 01, 2010
Top Ten Christmas Cards
One of the things I hate about being single and not having kids is I don't get to send out photo Christmas cards...
So I used myself and my precious nieces and nephews! Whether people liked it or not, I had so much fun putting it together and I love looking back over the years and seeing how much the kids have changed and grown.
And I've enjoyed getting them every year from Shutterfly. They are so easy to use and I've always been happy with the outcome.
How about using your favorite pictures to make a wall calendar, gift tags, or invitations to your Christmas party?
And while you're at it, help me decide which one I should get!!
For more Top Ten Tuesday, go visit Oh Amanda.
Posted by
10:03 PM
Labels: christmas cards, top ten tuesday
Friday, October 29, 2010
Saturday Stumbles
Homemade hand dipped caramel apples
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cake
Apple Butter
Pumpkin Butter
For more Saturday Stumbles, head on over to It's Come to This.
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9:37 PM
Labels: fall recipes, Saturday Stumbles
Monday, October 25, 2010
eCookbook GIVEAWAY!
I love to cook. And cooking at the holidays is more fun than ever. But sometimes, it can become a real pain...especially at the holidays!
Well, have I got the answer to all your troubles!
I've written before about my love for freezer cooking. Not having to worry about what's for dinner is a great feeling. But imagine what it would feel like to know that your WHOLE Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner is already done!
My friend Tricia, the one and only Once a Month Mom, has created her first eCookbook for cooking your Thanksgiving or Christmas meals. Here are the recipes found in the eCookbook:
- Veggie Pizza
- Pumpkin Cheeseball
- Scalloped Corn
- Freezer Mashed Potatoes
- Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes**
- Slow Cooker Stuffing**
- Make Ahead Butterhorn Rolls
- Turkey Baste**
- Cranberry Mustard Ham Glaze**
- Pumpkin Pie
- Caramel Apple Pie Trifle
Ok, so if those aren't delicious enough, Tricia also takes care of all the details! And when I say "details", she thinks of it all. Look at all of the other features in the eCookbook:
- A choice of preparing an 8 serving or 16 serving dinner.
- Step-By-Step instructions for cooking your Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners ahead and freezing the items.
- Grocery lists for the 8 serving or 16 serving dinner.
- Customized labels for each of your prepared items.
- Recipe cards containing photographs and some step-by-step photos as well.
If you don't win, you can buy your own eCookbook for $9.99. BUT, through November 1st it is 40% off ($5.99) when you use the code OAMM40.
Disclosure: eBook link is an Affiliate Link
Posted by
10:19 PM
Monday, October 11, 2010
Top Ten Tuesday - What I'll Be Doing October 23!
1. Sleeping in. Nuff said.
2. Preparing breakfast for my houseguests: Christine and Jill. Any suggestions girls? Or do we want to go get brunch somewhere?
3. Putting last minute touches on some cupcakes for #10.
4. Wishing I could also be at Bakerella's book signing.
5. Probably exchanging lots of texts and phone calls from Mandi and Becky in preparation for #10.
6. No texts or calls from Amanda because her phone is dead! Boo!
7. Figuring out what I want to wear to #10. This is going to be quite a feat in and of itself.
8. Getting all dolled up...
9. ...putting the final touches on myself for...
So will you join me at the Tweet Up?! I'd love to meet you!
For more Top Ten Tuesdays, go visit Oh Amanda.
Posted by
10:13 PM
Labels: OAMM Tweet Up
Monday, October 04, 2010
Top Ten Tuesday - Shower Hostess Gifts
A friend of mine messaged me the other day asking for some advice on what to get for some girls that are throwing her a shower. She needed something cheap because she has 8 to get. As I was thinking of some ideas, I realized my message back to her was turning into a blog post!
So now, I wanted to share those ideas with you!
*PINS: I LOVE the Posie Pins from The Pleated Poppy.
*COFFEE CUP KOOZIE: (not as trashy as it sounds!!) These are cute and would be fun paired with a $5 Starbucks gift card. There's lots of different patterns, too.
*ORNAMENT: Depending on when your showers are, a Christmas ornament (not a Santa head or anything!) would be nice because then when they hang it up every year, they'll think of you :)
*FRAME: I know frames can be overrated sometimes, but a cute frame with a handwritten note from you would be so sweet.
*When I did my sister's baby shower, she got me and the other girls a magazine subscription. There are some websites that have cheap magazine subscriptions. She gave us a list beforehand to let us pick which one we wanted. Every month when that magazine came, it reminded me of who gave it to me.
*Anything from Crate & Barrell!! I love how they have a lot of plain, white stuff because it's so easy to dress it it's cheap!
-containers: These would be cute with a little ribbon around it and maybe some matching colored candy inside.
-or these little bowls. they come in different colors.
*VERA BRADLEY - They're sale stuff is pretty cheap. Here's some cute things under $10. (None of the pictures would copy...sorry!)
-Zip ID Case -Clip Zip ID -Charmed Pouch -Coin Purse
*CHARMING CHARLIE - Please tell me you have a Charming Charlie! It's an accessory store on overload. I have to admit that it's overstimulating the first time you walk in, but after's just plain addicting! The bonus is that most of their stuff is very reasonably priced.
*And...well...I could only think of 9. What would YOU suggest??
For more Top Ten Tuesdays, go visit Oh Amanda.
Posted by
9:58 PM
Labels: shower hostess gifts, top ten tuesday
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Once A Month Mom Tweet Up
Back in February, I got to attend the Blissdom blogging conference. Not only did I learn TONS about blogging (although you can't really tell by the content of my blog!) but my favorite part was meeting all these cool people!
One of them was Tricia from Once a Month Mom. She is the expert (in my humble opinion) on freezer cooking. If you haven't checked out her October menu, there's some good stuff there! And there's no better feeling at the end of a long day than knowing you've got dinner already made!
You can read about my freezer cooking experiences.
Ok, so back to the point of this post. Tricia is coming to Atlanta this month for a Once a Month Mom Tweet Up!
So if you live in the Atlanta, Georgia area (or anywhere within driving distance) please consider joining us on October 23, from 6-9 pm. (No worries to those of you who can't get to the actual location, more information about how to participate online will come out later). Also in attendance will be a majority of the lovely and talented #sisterchicks. Most of these girls I also met at Blissdom as well while some are lifelong friends. Perhaps you know and want to meet one of them as well. Here is the list of confirmed #sisterchicks traveling in for the party!
- Mandi of It's Come 2 This (Atlanta, Georgia)
- Amanda of Oh Amanda and Impress Your Kids (Atlanta, Georgia)
- Becky of The Violet Fig (Atlanta, Georgia)
- Jessica of Vanderbilt Wife (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
- Christine Satterfield of I Dream of Clean (Nashville, Tennessee)
- Jill of The Diaper Diaries (Grand Rapids, Michigan) - YES! She is flying in for this! Woot!
- (and prayerfully) Jen of 4tunate (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Here are a few of the great sponsors of this years event:
The Bread Beckers is more than a Kitchen Store. It is everything you need to make fresh bread at home grinding your own fresh wheat flour and more! They sell grain mills, mixers, grains, beans, baking supplies and ingredients, bake ware, bulk food co-ops/buying clubs, and cooking classes. What is more perfect for an OAMM function than a store that sells in BULK!!! They also have a BEAUTIFUL kitchen/classroom that we will be using for the event. You are going to be so excited when you see this venue! They are located in Woodstock, Georgia.

Cutlery is the largest manufacturer and marketer of high-quality kitchen cutlery and accessories in the United States and Canada. Vector Marketing is the exclusive marketer of CUTCO products, which are sold throughout the U.S. and Canada by authorized sales representatives. Both CUTCO Cutlery and Vector Marketing are subsidiaries of CUTCO Corporation.
Posted by
10:05 PM
Labels: OAMM Tweet Up
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
God's Design
This post is mature in nature. Fair warning!
About 6 months ago, we wrapped up a series at church called Lovers. It was virtually a series on your attention now? I strongly encourage you to go check it out here.
The series really gripped me. While I'm not married or dating anyone, it spoke to me so deeply.
[I'm going to get pretty transparent here]
I am a 33 year old virgin. (Yes, we do exist). However, my thoughts and actions haven't always been as pure as I would have liked for them to be and I justified things because I wasn't having sex. That's the important thing right? [cough, cough]
Of course there are some things I regret, but I know I serve a God who has long forgiven me for those things the moment I confessed them.
But then I heard something that put it all into perspective.
[Get comes the "mature" stuff!]
When God created us, he hardwired our brains (literally) to be physically matched with one person. Meaning when we experience sexual release (the big "O"...can you believe we talked about this in church?!) our brains are hardwired, linked, connected to that person. However, when we experience that with someone (or something) other than our spouse, our brain does the exact same thing but it connects to the act...not a person. This is why affairs, pornography, etc are so addicting because you begin chasing the act, not a person. The experience, not your spouse, is imprinted in your brain.
God's way is so much better than the short term, temporary pleasures. Thank you God for your design. Your good and perfect design!
Posted by
8:55 PM
Labels: Lovers, Mountain Lake Church, sex
Monday, September 20, 2010
Just a little laughter to brighten up your Monday. Some of my all time favorite scenes from my all time favorite show, Friends.
Did your favorite make the list?
Posted by
7:00 AM
Labels: Friends
Friday, September 10, 2010
Fractured Fairy Tales
We just finished up a series at church called Fractured Fairy Tales. It has been a godsend. Such a timely message for me. Here's a little teaser for you:
Fractured Fairy Tales: Coming August 8 2010 from Mountain Lake Church on Vimeo.
But I'm not the only one with fractures.
During this series, we looked at different Bible characters who had some major fractures in their fairy tale.
But the characters who stood out to me the most were 3 guys who had a fracture in their fairy tale. And in comparison, my fractures seem like a tiny crack.
Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego were 3 friends who faced the biggest fracture of their lifetime. When they were forced to choose between obeying the king or honoring God, they chose God. But this came at a price...their life.
Imagine walking to your death. Knowing you're going to be burned alive...all for the cause of Christ. That must have been the longest walk ever. Ever.
Now, we all know that fairy tales end with "happily ever after". Right? So how wonderful would it have been if God came down during that long walk to the furnace and rescued Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego? Talk about a "happily ever after"!
But then comes the fracture.
No rescue. No knight on a white horse. These three were thrown into the furnace.
He showed up! IN the fire. He met them where they were. He walked around with them. He was present with them.
If you have fractures in your fairy tale, I highly recommend watching the Fractured Fairy Tales series here.
Posted by
9:11 PM
Friday, September 03, 2010
Saturday Stumbles
Wingless Buffalo Chicken Pizza -- Eaten to rave reviews!
Cream Cheese Chicken Enchiladas -- I'm a sucker for any kind of mexican food!
Chipotle Chicken Pasta -- Can't wait to try this one.
Chicken & White Bean Stuffed Peppers -- Yum!
{apparently there's a chicken theme going on here!}
Twirly Lemon Cookies -- Because there's always room for dessert!
Cupcake in a Cup -- SUPER cute (and cheap) gift idea that looks more elaborate than it really is!
Gender Reveal Party -- This is just the cutest (yes, I realize I over use that word) thing yet. Take note that I WILL be doing day ;)
For more Saturday Stumbles, visit It's Come 2 This.
Posted by
9:51 PM
Labels: Saturday Stumbles
Monday, August 23, 2010
Top Ten Tuesday - Worship Songs
Music is such a powerful tool of worship for me. My commute to work is an hour round trip, so I spend that time in worship...inside my CRV! I've had some powerful times in that 4 wheeled sanctuary and lately it's been my life line!
So I wanted to share with you the top 10 worship songs that are playing on my ipod right now:
1. How He Loves by Kim Walker
2. The Stand by Hillsong United
3. Everything Falls by Fee
4. Jesus Paid it All by Kristian Stanfill
5. You Never Let Go by Matt Redman
6. Your Great Name by The People's Church
7. Revelation Song by Kari Jobe
8. Our God by Chris Tomlin
9. You Alone Can Rescue by Matt Redman
10. Beautiful Mystery by Telecast
For more Top Ten Tuesdays, visit Oh Amanda!
Posted by
10:22 PM
Labels: top ten tuesday, worship songs
Friday, August 13, 2010
Dating Diaries
Dating is not easy. Ok, that's an understatement. My experiences with online dating have been less than desirable.
Today I had one of those less than desirable experiences. A guy asked me out. Sounds exciting, right? Let me back up...
I'm a science teacher and today was one of our professional learning days where all the science teachers from the county come together for workshops. I was a presenter for one of the workshops. My workshop was an activity I do with my kids called Survivor Science. It's a lot of fun and for my workshop we did a mock version of what I do with my kids.
There was this one guy who kept giving me grief on everything. Questioning everything I did, rolling his eyes, and just being an overall smart aleck. His team didn't win the activity so he wanted to see which ones he had missed and why he missed them. He emphatically pointed out that I had made some mistakes in grading his team's paper.
Are you kidding? Do you understand that's not *really* the point of this workshop?? Geesh!
So imagine my surprise when he came up to me at the end of the workshop. The conversation goes like this:
Baldy (yes, he looked like Mr. Clean): How old are you?
Me: 33
Baldy: Ok, please don't take this as sexual harrassment or anything [what the heck is about to come out of your mouth?!?!] but are you dating anyone?
[I wish you could see my jaw drop to the floor.]
Me: uh...kinda [I wasn't quite sure how to answer that...that's another blog post!!]
Baldy: Well, I'd love to take you out for coffee or to a ball game or something. Here let me give you my email. [My face probably said it all because then he said...] You can throw it away after I leave, but I'd love to hear from you.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You spent the whole workshop complaining about everything I did and now you want to take me out?!
Am I in the twilight zone?
Needless to say the paper he wrote his email on never made it out of the room with me.
Posted by
9:30 PM
Labels: dating
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Winner of the Imprint Mat
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11:11 AM